FNA. It's great to read your long form stuff again, TK.
I particularly appreciated the analogy of artists who morph and change over time... it's apt.
And, as a 54 year old, who's headed back to Leadville 10 years after my first 100 run, but this time for whole Lead Challenge, I resonate deeply with your words. Thanks for articulating them.
As a follower of the old blog, I'm psyched to see you writing longer stuff again.
A question - how do you go about getting this stuff out of your head and onto paper on long stuff like this? I often have all kinds of thoughts that I mean to write down on just a 2-3 hour run, only to have forgotten more than half by the time I'm done. Do you stop to jot down notes mid-ride? Journal a bit at the end of each day? Record audio notes while riding or running? I'd love to hear what sort of system you have for turning on-the-bike thoughts into longer pieces like this. In any event, thanks for sharing as much as you do!
Ah yes. It’s a struggle. Those endorphin epiphanies and mental flow are very real. I don’t do it often, but when I’m motivated I’ll just pause/walk and tap out a few key notes on my phone. Big PITA on the bike, but not so bad while running. I’ve tried the voice memo thing a few times. Horrendous. Just doesn’t work for me.
Hey Anton - I will read this! But one question to consider for subscribers, is whether or not, you would also publish an audio version of what you write. Not asking you to start a public podcast, just that I’m often running or driving and can’t read but would still love to consume what you write by listening.
That’s a great idea—I’ll look into it. First few posts this year are gonna be looong ones like this, but I’m hoping to keep at least some in the 1000-2000 word range going forward.
Thrilled to have a longer format way to engage with your perspective and experiences. Have admired and followed from a far and love each Strava and IG post over the years. Thank you for the intentionality of putting into words what is your inaugural substack post...subscribed and stoked. Cheers from another mountain range to the west.
Thank you for sharing your experiences from the summer of 2021! My wife and I were living the van life that summer, and we were in lupine meadows for a hike up the grand the day after you were there. We were following your adventure daily on the Instagram updates you were giving. Such an inspiring trip you had! Can’t wait for next post!
Thanks for writing these recaps. Despite my relatively meager outdoor accomplishments and my current occupation and environment (lab science in Houston, Texas), there's so much I resonated with in the series. Through your writing I think you tapped into some fundamental human joys and struggles that cross boundaries of activity and environment; at least for those of us with a little background and enduring interest in the outdoors. I'll note a few that particularly captured me from this entry below.
Regarding identity and issues of self-expression, this quote from Virginia Woolf (https://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=37503) immediately popped to mind. The wave metaphor is a lens through which I now view any creative expression. A given work is only symptomatic of the creative depth of the artist, just like a wave is only a transient expression of any body of water. Viewed in this way, it's a bit nuts to expect an artist to keep pumping out the same material and only what we like. The wave metaphor could also be applied to sports. Defining athletes by one or a few accomplishments seems to undervalue their potential breadth and depth of ability. As someone who's also learned to find joy and meaning in activities beyond running, I can relate to your exploration of other sports and I'm inspired by the way you're linking them in adventures like this.
I totally know the experience of having the conditions (geographic, environmental, or interpersonal) torpedo your expectations for progress on a given day. I struggle with whether assuming low expectations is a viable solution to that disappointment. Sure, you're more likely to be pleasantly surprised when progress is better than your low expectations. But consistently overestimating hardship or underestimating progress seems to be recipe for negative mood, at least in my experience. Assuming no expectations seems a better solution, if more difficult to maintain.
I had to chuckle and nod my head to your consternation on Day 5. Again in very different circumstances, I was feeling the same way before taking a break to read that section. (Could it at least be a little less hard, if not easier?!) In response to your admission that civilization and ease wasn't too far off, in the absolute sense, I realized much of my angst was a matter of perspective. Impatience and expectations we're making the day seem more difficult than needed. I didn't have a road to bail to, but I did check my attitude and relax my expectations. The rest of the day was less unpleasant. Thanks for that.
Now that I've (re) found your writing, I look forward to the Southwest Summits write-up and logs of your future adventures.
I told you that I’d eventually find the tie to come back and read! Well written sir, an enjoyable read! I never read your old blog back in the day but I can see from your style here why it was popular. Your words flow like a man who’s read many a book. Couple of observations and questions.
1. What is up with that wooden road? Looks pretty gnarly- who built and maintains that?
2. This sounds like a solo trip - but there is one nice motion blur picture of you riding - is that from this trip by someone else or from another time?
3. Your a bike balancing master - like those stone rock stacks but with a bike
4. Bear Lake - ahhh I love that lake - went to scout camp as a kid - I hope you had a raspberry shake and tater tots - and if you didn’t - that’s a good reason to go back!
Wooden road is an old railroad trestle up on the Continental Divide above Boulder, CO...not sure who maintains it, Forest Service perhaps.
The professional-looking photos of me were taken by a photographer friend, Fred Marmsater, for La Sportiva. He just met me at a couple of spots along the way to grab photos.
I did have a burger and milkshake at Bear Lake...I don't think it was raspberry, though!
Thank god you started this! RTW is so back!
Aw, thanks DBo...gonna do my best to have monthly posts going forward. Thanks for the support!
FNA. It's great to read your long form stuff again, TK.
I particularly appreciated the analogy of artists who morph and change over time... it's apt.
And, as a 54 year old, who's headed back to Leadville 10 years after my first 100 run, but this time for whole Lead Challenge, I resonate deeply with your words. Thanks for articulating them.
As a follower of the old blog, I'm psyched to see you writing longer stuff again.
A question - how do you go about getting this stuff out of your head and onto paper on long stuff like this? I often have all kinds of thoughts that I mean to write down on just a 2-3 hour run, only to have forgotten more than half by the time I'm done. Do you stop to jot down notes mid-ride? Journal a bit at the end of each day? Record audio notes while riding or running? I'd love to hear what sort of system you have for turning on-the-bike thoughts into longer pieces like this. In any event, thanks for sharing as much as you do!
Ah yes. It’s a struggle. Those endorphin epiphanies and mental flow are very real. I don’t do it often, but when I’m motivated I’ll just pause/walk and tap out a few key notes on my phone. Big PITA on the bike, but not so bad while running. I’ve tried the voice memo thing a few times. Horrendous. Just doesn’t work for me.
Hey Anton - I will read this! But one question to consider for subscribers, is whether or not, you would also publish an audio version of what you write. Not asking you to start a public podcast, just that I’m often running or driving and can’t read but would still love to consume what you write by listening.
That’s a great idea—I’ll look into it. First few posts this year are gonna be looong ones like this, but I’m hoping to keep at least some in the 1000-2000 word range going forward.
Thrilled to have a longer format way to engage with your perspective and experiences. Have admired and followed from a far and love each Strava and IG post over the years. Thank you for the intentionality of putting into words what is your inaugural substack post...subscribed and stoked. Cheers from another mountain range to the west.
Great story and insightful thoughts about the process behind. Happy to be part of this community.
Thank you for sharing your experiences from the summer of 2021! My wife and I were living the van life that summer, and we were in lupine meadows for a hike up the grand the day after you were there. We were following your adventure daily on the Instagram updates you were giving. Such an inspiring trip you had! Can’t wait for next post!
Thanks for writing these recaps. Despite my relatively meager outdoor accomplishments and my current occupation and environment (lab science in Houston, Texas), there's so much I resonated with in the series. Through your writing I think you tapped into some fundamental human joys and struggles that cross boundaries of activity and environment; at least for those of us with a little background and enduring interest in the outdoors. I'll note a few that particularly captured me from this entry below.
Regarding identity and issues of self-expression, this quote from Virginia Woolf (https://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=37503) immediately popped to mind. The wave metaphor is a lens through which I now view any creative expression. A given work is only symptomatic of the creative depth of the artist, just like a wave is only a transient expression of any body of water. Viewed in this way, it's a bit nuts to expect an artist to keep pumping out the same material and only what we like. The wave metaphor could also be applied to sports. Defining athletes by one or a few accomplishments seems to undervalue their potential breadth and depth of ability. As someone who's also learned to find joy and meaning in activities beyond running, I can relate to your exploration of other sports and I'm inspired by the way you're linking them in adventures like this.
I totally know the experience of having the conditions (geographic, environmental, or interpersonal) torpedo your expectations for progress on a given day. I struggle with whether assuming low expectations is a viable solution to that disappointment. Sure, you're more likely to be pleasantly surprised when progress is better than your low expectations. But consistently overestimating hardship or underestimating progress seems to be recipe for negative mood, at least in my experience. Assuming no expectations seems a better solution, if more difficult to maintain.
I had to chuckle and nod my head to your consternation on Day 5. Again in very different circumstances, I was feeling the same way before taking a break to read that section. (Could it at least be a little less hard, if not easier?!) In response to your admission that civilization and ease wasn't too far off, in the absolute sense, I realized much of my angst was a matter of perspective. Impatience and expectations we're making the day seem more difficult than needed. I didn't have a road to bail to, but I did check my attitude and relax my expectations. The rest of the day was less unpleasant. Thanks for that.
Now that I've (re) found your writing, I look forward to the Southwest Summits write-up and logs of your future adventures.
Take Care!
I told you that I’d eventually find the tie to come back and read! Well written sir, an enjoyable read! I never read your old blog back in the day but I can see from your style here why it was popular. Your words flow like a man who’s read many a book. Couple of observations and questions.
1. What is up with that wooden road? Looks pretty gnarly- who built and maintains that?
2. This sounds like a solo trip - but there is one nice motion blur picture of you riding - is that from this trip by someone else or from another time?
3. Your a bike balancing master - like those stone rock stacks but with a bike
4. Bear Lake - ahhh I love that lake - went to scout camp as a kid - I hope you had a raspberry shake and tater tots - and if you didn’t - that’s a good reason to go back!
Wooden road is an old railroad trestle up on the Continental Divide above Boulder, CO...not sure who maintains it, Forest Service perhaps.
The professional-looking photos of me were taken by a photographer friend, Fred Marmsater, for La Sportiva. He just met me at a couple of spots along the way to grab photos.
I did have a burger and milkshake at Bear Lake...I don't think it was raspberry, though!
Such a worthy adventure. And such strong writing to showcase it. Thanks for sharing!
I’m really inspired by both your adventures and your writing about them, thanks for sharing! It helps me fuel my own art and adventures.